Thursday, April 26, 2012


The Snow Goddess came and sat on my garden
With her vast white bottom

Smashing flat the chard
Drooping the kale
Burning the lettuces with her frigid fires

Then departed

Lifting her divine buttocks skyward
Skirting them in cloud.

There appears to be nothing left but ruin.

All the brave rows lie like a defeated army
Green uniforms rimed in ice
Spattered with mud.
Even the wild wind cannot lift them;
They are sinking back into Earth
 one of her fleeting dreams.

Here is one benefit of age:

I have long memories and know
This crushing descent as a brooding
An incubation.

Spring will vindicate this cold goddess
and my wisdom, too.

1 comment:

BookBagLady said...

LOVE this blog write-up!!! LOL

Well done, my friend.

Hugs, Louise