Thursday, May 24, 2012

Busy, Busy, Busy

My apologies for being absent from the space for a time. I'm still working on the revisions and editing for Fiesta of Smoke. Plus, there have been two funeral/potlucks to attend this week. I'll write more about that, when I've got this manuscript finished (for this round, anyway), because funerals on this mountain are a very special experience.

In the meantime, I'll share some photos of my garden with you, starting with fennel, above, and lamb's ear, below. The garden is so beautiful at this time of year, and so ephemeral. The blossoms come and go in a matter of days, so I'm glad for photography as a means to extend this miraulous May.

Wishing you a wonderfully rich and productive day!

1 comment:

BookBagLady said...

My condolences on the funerals, Suzan.
